What I wish I knew 25 years ago…

If I could share one thing to help any person succeed in life it would be to help them think differently. I have learned to think differently in just the last 2 years! Today I am living a LIFE that I had lost sight of and HOPE for! My life is so full of abundance beyond anything I could dreamt of, and each day is better than the previous!

What we think and how we think makes such a difference in what we do and how we do it.

What I learned in 2020 has changed the trajectory of my life. It has given me the ability to dream beyond my wildest imagination. We live in a world in 2024 where we allow our thoughts to settle in places in our mind that does not make us feel good nor serve our perfect self-expression thru God’s eyes! When you can live each day free of “life’s” stresses, and full of joy and love in your heart for helping others, your cup will stay overflowing with passion and intentional living, aligning with your life’s desires!

There is something about the power of thought that seems to attract to a person the material equivalent of his (or her) aims and purposes. This power is not man-made. But it was made for man to use, and to enable him to control much of his earthly destiny.

-Napoleon Hill



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